So I've been working at the golf course for about 8 months now. Just recently we had the biggest shotgun tournament of the year, the Oakley Invitational. Basically all the Oakley reps, surf/skate shops that sell Oakley, and even a few sponsored by Oakley were present, like Bruce Irons.
The thing with shotgun tournaments is that everyone leaves the club house at the same time which isn't too bad. Takes a bit of prep work but not too crazy. But the hard part is when they ALL come in at the same time. At turtle bay we have two full courses, the Arnold Palmer and the George Fazio. And for this tournament we had 4 to 5 carts per hole, yes all 36 of them. Do the math, thats around 162 carts coming in all at the same time. The first challenge is preventing cloggage, we don't want to replicate rush hour traffic at the golf course. Keep 'em moving, get the patrons off the cart without kicking them off, clean up the trash, re-stock the carts with pencils, score cards, tees, and waters, wash 'em, and plug 'em in.
After the mad rush Oakley set up a large tent with catered food with live music and raffle. I bought a ten dollar raffle ticket in hopes that I would win the $1200 Oakley watch, but I had no such luck. As I was taking the walk of shame back to the car I noticed some paper money on the ground. I picked it up and whose face did I see? Its all about the Benjamins baby. That's right I didn't win the raffle but I did find myself a one-hundred dollar bill. I'm never that guy that finds money at the movie theatre or at the county fair. I'm usually the guy who finds a quarter on the sidewalk and then finds out that its been superglued there. Not this time. Now its my turn, boo-yah!
Well Merry Xmas to you! How lucky! Awesome Bo! I am sad for the loser of the Benjamin though! OUCH~ Tab