Pronunciation: \ˈȯ-kwərd\
Function: adjective
a : lacking social grace and assurance
You could also define awkward by giving an example of an awkward moment. I'm a very visual person, I learn things best when a teacher paints a picture in my head or tells a story to relate a given principle. So for you I'm going to paint a very "AWKWARD" picture....

So everyone knows that I like to talk on the phone when I go to the bathroom, its no secret, its not like I try to hide it from the other person on the other line. Its just a good time for me to catch up on some of my phone calls. I'm also very regular. On Monday, Wednesday, and Friday I have a music class at 8:40am, which is approximately 1 hour after breakfast. The class lecture isn't all too interesting so its a perfect time for a bathroom break. First I called answer, then I called answer, then I called Jill.....again no answer. Given, this whole time I assumed that I was in the bathroom alone. It is on a less populated side of campus and I've always been in there by myself before. But before I was about to make a fourth call I thought that I heard some rustling in the bathroom a few stalls over. So what should I do? I check. So I peek my head down towards my feet to get low enough so that I can see underneath the stall walls. But wouldn't you know it, right as I took the initiative to peek under the stall wall to check for company, so did the other bathroom occupant. There we were 3 stalls away from eachother locked in the most awkward eye contact ever. Now I've had some pretty awkward moments before but that one has got to be up on the list for the top most awkward moments.
Now what do I do? I don't want to make it even more awkward and go and wash my hands with the guy. Possibly catching another awkward eye contact moment in the mirror or something. I think that its better that I don't know the identityor the mystery pooper. So I stayed in the stall and waited him out. It's going to be really funny when I run into this guy again and someone introduces us and we both try to figure out where we know eachother from. That moment when it clicks is going to be another story in and of itself.
I am Bo
That is funny!
ReplyDeleteI can't believe that you told this story on your blog. I love it.
ReplyDeleteThis is SO a Tab moment! I thought only things like this happened to moi! Ha! TOO FUNNY BO! PS, love your Halloween costumes. I can totally tell you are the baby of 3 girls! :0) Love Ya
ReplyDeleteHahahahahhaah .... still laughing!
ReplyDeleteOh my! BO! I still get hysterical everytime I hear this! SO FUNNY! That is so awkward! hahahaha, I love it!