Sunday, September 26, 2010

Heads Up!!!

First things first, I know that I suck at the whole blogging thing. There's a few substantially important events that have happened in my life in the last 6 months that I haven't posted about. But I'll try to be better. This one has been screaming at me and had to be posted though, too funny to keep to myself.
So I'm taking an International Finance class at Utah Valley University, yeah Bo's in Utah...weird. But I had just got out of class and I'm walking to the Institute parking lot. To get in the parking lot you have to have this electronic card that you scan as you pull in which lifts the arm that allows you to enter the parking lot. When you leave the parking lot you don't need the card, the arm recognizes your car pulling out and lifts automatically for you.
So I'm walking towards the parking lot and I notice this girl just pulling out. She's got her head out the window watching for traffic so that she call pull out. Well she's really cute and I'm smiling at her and if my memory still serves me correctly she was smiling back. She then pulls out and I'm still a bit in a daze as I watch her drive away. SMACK!!!!! All of a sudden I get hit in the side of the head really hard, and I look and notice that I just got smacked in the head by the auotmatic arm that had just dropped down because the girl had just driven away. To my knowledge nobody saw, unless she was still looking in her rear view mirror or something. But I won't flatter myself, I don't think she saw.

So then I took this picture with my phone, I might write them a letter to see if we can get this sign enlarged or something. I'm mean come on, someone could get really hurt. Okay maybe I won't write the letter.


  1. Only you Bo. Only you. Checking out the girl instead of watching where you were going. hahaha. Love you.

  2. lol I wish I would have been there to see it. I can picture it in my head though :)

  3. Haha..That's so funny. Kinda like me tripping on the stairs yesterday in the testing center and facing planting it into the ground in front of tons of people! Yep, I'm a clutz.
    P.S. I live two blocks away from UVU, and I go by the institute like 10 times a day...Too bad I missed it.

  4. So funny! Glad you weren't hurt too badly!
