I started cracking up when I read this. She said that she was looking for a birthday card for someone else, saw this one, and couldn't resist getting it for me. As many of you are aware I like to make my phone calls and keep in touch with people while I go to the bathroom. I usually have to normal contact who I call, and Gina is on my list. She said that she thinks its funny that I call her while pooping but she's honored to be on my bathroom contact list. I'm glad she's on there too, only the specialest of the special are on that list. Love ya Gina.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Appropriate Greeting Card
So last semester I hung out with my good friend Gina a lot. BYU-Hawaii didn't have her major so she had to go back to BYU-Provo. Which was sad for me because I don't get to hang out with Gina anymore. We still talk every once in a while but not as often as when she was here. Anyways she sent me this card the other day...

I started cracking up when I read this. She said that she was looking for a birthday card for someone else, saw this one, and couldn't resist getting it for me. As many of you are aware I like to make my phone calls and keep in touch with people while I go to the bathroom. I usually have to normal contact who I call, and Gina is on my list. She said that she thinks its funny that I call her while pooping but she's honored to be on my bathroom contact list. I'm glad she's on there too, only the specialest of the special are on that list. Love ya Gina.
I started cracking up when I read this. She said that she was looking for a birthday card for someone else, saw this one, and couldn't resist getting it for me. As many of you are aware I like to make my phone calls and keep in touch with people while I go to the bathroom. I usually have to normal contact who I call, and Gina is on my list. She said that she thinks its funny that I call her while pooping but she's honored to be on my bathroom contact list. I'm glad she's on there too, only the specialest of the special are on that list. Love ya Gina.
Monday, March 8, 2010
5K for Haiti

So this Saturday BYU-Hawaii put on a 5K charity run for the victims of the earthquake in Haiti. It was $10 and it all went to relief efforts in Haiti.
I would say the last year has been the year that I've officially worked out the least. And when I say "officially" working out I mean what I'm about to do is for the sole purpose of doing exercise or working out. I stay active and I work out my body by doing other things. I don't go for a run just to go for a run. I've gone to the gym to lift weights maybe twice in the last 8 months. But I would still say that I'm in pretty good shape. Surfing is a good example of a way to get a really good work out without really knowing that you're getting a workout. You surf to surf not to exercise, but it keeps you in really good shape. I climb trees, I'm always doing flips and walking on my hands, and lifting girls on my shoulders or in some cases (with Jansen) even higher. What I'm getting at is that I like my regiment of keeping in shape better than "officially" working out.
I haven't gone for a run in probabley 3 months and I signed up to do the 5K this weekend. Before the race I was kinda sizing up the competition. For one because I'm competitive and I like winning and two because I wanted to find someone that I felt would push me at a solid pace. I didn't want to pace with my roommate David because I felt like he was going to smoke me, he's really fast. This other buddy of mine Zack I knew was an athletic guy, about my same size and build, so I thought he would be a good one but I still thought that I could beat him.

The race starts and I start out to a pretty fast pace, I was in the lead for probabley the first 200 meters or so. The guys on the cross country team from BYU-Hawaii were running in the race as well (but they didn't count as far as race finishings) so I got nervous thinking that I went out too fast. At about the first half mile mark the cross country guys had passed me and David, Zack, and I were together.
Zack pushed ahead to try to keep up with the cross country guys. I didn't know this but he's alot faster than I thought. At 18 years old he qualified for the Boston Marathon and in high school he ran a sub-16 5K, that's fast. My first mile time split was 5:40 and David was about three seconds ahead of that. At about the half way point I started hearing steps catching up to me, I turned around and saw a pack of cross country girls, darn those girls. Once they passed me I tried keeping up with their pace but it wasn't really working for me. I'm not sure what my 2 mile split time was but my end time was 20:11, that's pretty bad. That's two minutes slower than my slowest time in high school.

Since the cross country kids didn't count as finishers, the race results were Zack in first, David in second and me in third. I'll take third, I got a free 6-inch sub from subway and a gift certificate for Angel's Ice Cream, NICE!!!!

Honesty is the best policy?
So a buddy of mine, who reads my blog, that's weird because nobody reads my blog, but anyways, a buddy of mine read the story about the girl hitting the car in the parking lot and not leaving a note, and then returning later to leave a note because I called her out, he found this note somewhere in the vastness of the WORLD WIDE WEB and forwarded it to me. I was cracking up so I thought I'd share it with you, you who? I thought nobody read this thing, alright maybe I'm just posting it up here so that I can have it on file.
I wonder if the girl I called out left a note like this one. Hmmmm....I wonder.
I wonder if the girl I called out left a note like this one. Hmmmm....I wonder.

Monday, March 1, 2010
Tsunami Warning!!!

A tsunami warning was in effect for Hawaii on Saturday following a massive 8.8 earthquake that struck central Chile at 3:30am that lasted about 3 minutes, that's a long time for an earthquake of that size. We got news of it before we went to bed and knew that we would be getting Tsnami warnings in the morning.
I woke up at 4am to Elza, my hometeachee calling me. I jumped out of bed and then realized she was out of my porch. I went outside and talked to her, she was wondering if we were going to stay or leave. While on the deck I saw across the street that a line had formed outside of Foodland. The store wasn't going to open for another two hours but already there was a line clear out to the street.
I went back to bed and woke up at 6am sharp to the screachingly loud tsunami alarm. Lucky or unlucky for us, I don't know which, the town alarm is located right across the street. It was so darn loud and I was so darn tired, and I wasn't like the annoying alarm clock that I can just hit to turn off.
All of us roommates packed up some supplies and decided to go to higher ground, so we hiked Laie falls and thought that we could witness any surge of water that might come. We waited and waited and nothing. Its funny the attitude that some people had. It was like we were disappointed that there was no distruction. Really? What kind of people are we to be disappointed that nobody lost their home or their life in Hawaii. We dodged the bullet. Chile wasn't so lucky. Remember those people that were effected by the earthquakes and tsunamis in your prayers.
I'm okay, the only thing bad that happened to me was that I didn't get as much sleep as I would have liked and I got a little bit of a sun burn.
The first waves were expected to arrive in Hawaii at 11:19 a.m. today (4:19 p.m. EST).
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