As I'm pulling around I see reverse lights and as she's reversing out she didn't pull out straight and totally scrapped on the car next to her. So I leave that spot and see one on the other side all the while looking back to see what the girl is going to do. I see her pull back into the spot, get out of the car, looks at the damage she did to the car, and then gets back into the car to leave. The little circle is one-way so she's going to drive by me so I decide to write down her license plate number. As she drives by me I realize that I know who the girl is. Awww crap, what do I do now?

I was running late to class so I go to class while I'm still debating what I'm going to do. The class is Leadership and Management and the lecture for the day was on "Making Ethical Decisions." Well isn't that appropriate? So I go tell the teacher my situation and she excuses me from class so that I can go take care of it.
I go back out to the little circle and write down the license plate of the other car too. So I have a few options: 1. Report her to security. 2. Talk to her about it. 3. Or do nothing at all. But #3 isn't an option now. So I decide to send her a text which went like this, "Hey I saw you hit that car, you did scratch it up pretty good and you didn't leave a note. I think you need to come back and atleast leave a note, they might not even care. It's the right thing to do." How do you think that sounded? I didn't want her to feel like a completely terrible person but at the same time she didn't do the right thing, sometimes we need others to help us make the right decision. Driving off was the easy way out, but not the right thing.
She texted back and said that she was planning on leaving a note, but she went home first to call her mom and ask her what she should do. Which I don't really think is what she was planning on doing. You can't just leave the scene and come back later and try to fix it. While I was sitting in class before I talked to my teacher I texted a few people asking for advice of what I should do. One friend of mine said that I was in a sucky position and that I should talk to her. A couple minutes later this friend of mine texted me back and said "Bo I totally know who the girl is that hit the car, she just texted me and told me the whole story." So my friend got both sides of the story.
So she ended up coming back and leaving a note on the car. I kinda wish that I didn't have to get involved but I witnessed it and I needed to do something. The whole "Making Ethical Decisions" topic in class got me off the fense. I think the girl feels dumb and thinks that I was judging her but whatever. I told her that I don't think she's a bad person and that it doesn't matter because the right thing has been done now. I haven't seen her yet, I wonder if it'll be awkward when I do, probabley.
I am Bo