So funny story, I already posted about the house that we live in. The deck is probably one of my favorite parts about our house.
One reason that I didn't mention the first time is that of accessibility. Let me the picture, down at the end you see the double doors, those doors are to my bedroom. In our house there are three bedroooms and two bathrooms. One downside is that both bathrooms are accessible only through the other two bedrooms. My bedroom is the only one without access to the bathroom, so you'd think.
Come on I'm a guy, where do you think I'm going to go. That's one of my favorite things about being a guy, I can pee almost whenever and where ever I want. So at night if I have to pee, I pee off the balcony, it's perfect. Since our balcony overlooks the popular Foodland shopping center I do only pee off of it at night, yes I am civilized.
So one night before I go to bed I get the call and walk over to the railing of the balcony. It's a nice night, stars are out, where else do you get a view like this while you pee, no bathroom wall can top this view. Right when I start going I have to stop mid-stream. Apparently Porter had to run across the street to the ATM and was returning back to the house via the short cut which cuts through the yard and over the fense. He didn't realize that I was peeing and he was about to walk right through my stream. But the good cousin that I am, I yelled and told him to stop while I managed to stop myself. Now that's love. Because in the words of Lloyd Christmas (Jim Carrey - Dumb and Dumber), "you can't start once you've started, it stings." I started to laugh as I imagined if it had gone down differently. Just imagine if he had walked through my pee stream. And by laughing the stream started back up again. So Porter had to stand there and wait until I was done before he came up.

Man I love being a guy.