So you all heard the story about the chin incident. Well along with stitches and the newly acquired scar came a blessing that was previously believed to be mythical. Yup, you guessed it, the infamous beard card. When I went in to see the doctor at the health center to get my stitches removed he instructed me not to shave for a while. He knew about the honor code at BYUH and so he wrote me a note to take to the honor code office. I showed up at the office, presented my note and was given a beard waiver card that was valid for 45 days.
The expiration date on the card is December 9. Which to me is a terrible day and kind of scary. Why couldn't it have been just 8 days longer? School lets on December 17. I'm going to try to sneek by to the end, if I can make it there then I can take it all the way to January 7 which will make for my longest beard so far.
I'm not going to lie. I love having a beard. And being here at BYUH its super unique. I get comments from guys that I don't even know telling me that they're super jealous. I guess one down side to the whole beard thing is that I'm using up a little bit more shampoo, but that's one price I'm definitely willing to pay.