've gotta love the hammock.
Finding good housing here in Hawaii is often times really hard. But besides my first semester here and maybe even the box I lived in with Neil I've had pretty good luck. The house I live in now is super nice and I'll stay here until graduation. This house will be my 5th place I've lived in.
All houses in Hawaii receive a name, Jill lived in the "blue roof house" because it had a blue roof, I lived in the "box" or the "castle" with Neil because it was a box. The last place I lived was called the "coach house" because coach wagner owned it. Now I live the the VIP house because its really nice and I don't know why else. We live up on the point, I can see the ocean from my bedroom window, I know I have it pretty rough.
Our large deck with dart board, t.v. and dvd player, a couple comfy couches and of course a solid quiver of surf boards.
Nice big yard that we haven't really utilized too much, we've played catch in it a couple of times but its still nice to have.
Our large living room is nice, ideal for get togethers and movie nights, we also have satelite t.v. and surround sound which has been nice for those breaks in between homework.
Everyone loves our kitchen, I probably use it the most and I love it. Its big and has so much storage space. Our house is really good about keeping it clean as well.
It's a three bedroom house and I stay in the biggest room of the house. There used to be two of us in this room but now that
Porter is here there's three of us. It's still super roomy though with plenty of windows which keeps it really bright.